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Our Sacraments


Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the Christian faith. It is the foundational sacrament by which we become members of the Church and are welcomed into the family of God. At SHADY GROVE mbc, we believe in the power of baptism to unite us with Christ and with one another.


“The Lord's Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His second coming.”  


Matthew 3:13-17; 26:26-30; 28:19-20; Mark 1:9-11; 14:22-26; Luke 3:21-22; 22:19-20; John 3:23; Acts 2:41-42; 8:35-39; 16:30-33; 20:7; Romans 6:3-5; 1 Corinthians 10:16,21; 11:23-29; Colossians 2:12.


Missionary Work is the sacrament in which we receive the Holy Spirit and are strengthened in our faith by giving to those in need. It is a moment of grace and empowerment, as we are called to live out our faith in the world through acts of kindness. At SHADY GROVE MBC, we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives and empower us to be good samaritans of Christ to the world.


Matrimony is the sacrament of marriage, in which a man and a woman are united in a lifelong covenant of love. It is a sacrament of service and self-giving, in which spouses are called to love and support one another as Christ loves and supports his Church. At SHADY GROVE MBC, we believe in the sanctity of marriage and the importance of supporting couples in their journey of love.


Repentence is the sacrament of reconciliation, in which we seek forgiveness for our sins and are reconciled with God and the Church. It is a moment of grace and healing, as we are invited to turn away from sin and embrace the love and mercy of God. At SHADY GROVE MBC, we approach the sacrament of repentance with humility and gratitude, and we strive to live lives of ongoing conversion and renewal.

Prayer for the Sick

Prayer for the Sick is the sacrament and request for healing, in which we pray for the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing of those who are sick or suffering. It is carried out with compassion and hope, in which we trust in the power of God to bring comfort and healing to those in need. At SHADY GROVE MBC, we believe in the power of prayer and the importance of supporting one another in times of illness and difficulty.

Pastor Mark Kennedy
           SHADY GROVE MISSIONARY                      BAPTIST CHURCH
OF PINSON       
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